Monday, June 19, 2017

Week 49 - Claudya's Baptism


Where to begin this week.  I am super tired and really just loving this work!  First off, I just wanted to update you all on the family that we have been teaching. This past week we had a visit that was really difficult it seemed because they had some really tough questions for us once we arrived. I won’t say what questions they had but, I will just say that I felt the spirit so very strongly as I was able to look at them in the eyes and give them the best answer I could. I have truly come to learn that at times, we cannot always answer that every question that people have. Sometimes we can try our best and hope that the spirit will let their hearts feel that our answer was enough. That’s how I felt about that visit. I felt as though the spirit answered them in a way that they were satisfied enough. Other than that, we are trying so hard with this family and hoping to be able to put a baptismal date with all of them.

Also this past week I was asked to baptize a little girl named Claudya. What an amazing opportunity! I would like to just share a little bit about her and her back story. Claudya is 14 years old and has a really difficult life. Her mom is a member but her dad on the other hand hasn’t allowed to her go to church for years. So, this little girl was raised her whole life up to this point without the blessings of the gospel. However, that’s not even the saddest part. This little girl’s mom recently was in an accident a few weeks ago and was paralyzed. She can no longer walk or really do much of anything accept lay in bed. A few weeks ago, we were asked to give a blessing to this woman and feel of the great love that our Heavenly Father has for her and at the same time feel of the same love he has for her daughter. For me, it was a great tender mercy to be the one to baptize her. As I preformed the ordinance, I felt the spirit so very strong and this little girl had the biggest smile on her face that made me feel so happy. Sometimes, we don’t realize how blessed we are to have this gospel in our lives. I am so grateful for it and the opportunity to share it with all of those that I come into contact with each and every day here in Cusco.

Last quick experience for the week. So, this past week was crazy with work and it seemed we didn’t have enough time in the day to get all of the things done that we needed to do. As we were literally running to a visit, I felt this prompting to knock on this door. Thinking to myself “Oh no, I better stop now, or I am gonna end up coming back”. So I stopped and knocked on the door. The door opened up and we met a man and his wife who are members of the church. As we talked to them we found out that they have been super inactive for years and have recently felt a great desire to come back to the church. After a few minutes of talking I had the feeling to ask them to come to church this past week. They looked at each other and said “Well its time. So we will be there!” I am happy to say that they did come to church this past week!!

In closing, I just want to share a quick testimony in Quechua (The native language of the Incan Empire), I have been trying to spend a little time learning a few words and such lately and to be honest, it’s really hard to learn it along with Spanish, but here you go:

Ñuqa yachay haqay Jesukristoj kawsay. Pay yanauna llanpanku e Ñoqaq yanqata achura kay wan runa kaypi llanpanku. Noqa munay man Mormonpa Qelqanmanta Aqllaska T´aqakuna, hoq jesucristomanta willakoq wan llapa kawsay. Noqa munay 3 T´aqa 7 “Hinataq noqa Nephi taytayta niraqni: risaqmi, ruwamusaqtaq wiraqocha kamachisqanta. Yachanin runakunaq wawankunaman wiraqocha mana ima kamachiytapas qosanta, paykunaman kamachisqanta  hunt´anankupaq ñanta” mana allichaspaqanispa.

I am so very grateful for this wonderful work and the incredible people I meet here in Perú. I love teaching these people and seeing the Lord's hand in my life each and every day! I testify that he lives and loves each and every one of us. There is nothing you can do that will make him love you any less. I love you all so very much and wish you all a great week!


Elder Fawcett

Claudya and Elder Fawcett

Claudya, Her Mother, Sister Missionaries,
Elder Fawcett and Ward Members

My New Matte Cup!!

Lunch with President and Sister Herrera,
During Changes