We had a great week this week down here in Cusco. Honestly I think that every week we seem to have more and more work to do! It’s a good thing, I just wish that there was more time in the day to get everything accomplished that we need to accomplish. To start off, this week we had our Open Church activity that we invited tons of people to last week! All of the missionaries had assignments and my Companion and I were in charge of talking to every person that came and getting their information so that we could visit them. In total I think that we like 125 references for the entire Stake so I guess you could say that it was very successful! It was just such a cool experience to be able to help people get to know what we do as members of the Church. As missionaries we all got to wear a flag under our name tag so that the people knew where we were all from without having to ask and the funny thing is that most of the people told us that they thought we were from Perú… even though I am really white hahaha.
As for Billy, he was able to go to a Young Single Adults activity for the Stake and got to meet and dance with a lot of members of the stake. It was really good for him because we really have been trying to help him meet lots of people so that when we leave, they can help him in his times of need. We still are trying to help him get ready for his baptism and are hoping that we can have it soon. Diego on the other hand has kind of let his doubts overcome him a little bit and it seems that every time we try to talk or teach him, he questions it. It really has been a good experience for me though because it helps me to always be ready for those tough questions when he wants to see exactly where it says it in the scriptures.
Now for a really cool story. So as you know, last week we invited a TON of people to our activity in the street. Well the other day I was riding in a taxi and the guy pulled out his invitation and said “Hey you guys gave me this but I won’t have time to go. Can I still come to your church?” I responded and told him that he if he couldn’t come to the activity, he was always invited and welcome in our Sunday meetings. He accepted and from what I hear, he was able to attend church in the Ward where he lives. Now can I just say that here in Cusco there are soooo many taxis. We passed out a ton of fliers and “coincidently” we ended up in one of the taxis we gave an invitation to. Coincidence, I don’t think so.
This week we went with my Penchanista to a place called the Baratio (barato in Spanish means cheap). Now in the Baratio they sell all kinds of things, but the coolest thing is that they sell lots of souvenirs and my Penchanista knows how to barter things super well. So the 4 of us in the office went and got tons of souvenirs for some bomb prices that everyone else would have paid 10 times the price for.
In closing, this week I just want to say how much I have learned about how such a small act can make the difference in the life of someone. In the apartment where we live, there is a worker who we see every day when we are leaving. Every morning it has become a habit to tell him Good morning and walk past without saying much else. So this week I decided to stop and actually talk to him. What started as a basic conversation quickly moved to a deep discussion about the Book of Mormon. After explaining it to him and what we believed, we were able to give him a copy of it and he has been reading it every time we have walked passed in the morning this week. For me, I feel bad knowing that we have walked passed him countless times before and hadn’t talked to him sooner than when we did. At this point, we have passed his information on to the area in which he lives but I frequently ask myself the question about what would have happened had we not stopped to talk to him? So many times in our lives we are too focused in on the things that we are personally doing, that we don’t notice those who really do need our help. This experience has taught me that I need to be pay more attention to those small opportunities I have to not only talk to others, but to also look for opportunities to help and serve them. The little things that we do each and every day can and will make a difference if we are willing to stop worrying about ourselves and focus on others. I love you all very much and hope that each of you has a fantastic week!
Elder Fawcett